For purposes hereof “Operating” shall mean accessing, downloading, storing, loading, installing, executing, displaying, copying the Product into the memory of a computer or otherwise benefiting from using the functionality of the Product in accordance with the Documentation. Sunbelt Software) (the “Original Software”) and related services (together with Original Software, the “Original Product”) to the software and services titled Radmin 3.0 Server (the “Product”) as described in applicable End User License Agreement related to thereto (the “EULA”) that you about to download or otherwise obtained through this site/ or other media. (collectively, the “Company”), regarding the upgrade for any version of the Company’s Remote Administrator software, including without limitation versions 1.XX 2.XX or any language versions provided to you by the Company with the exception of any custom version of the Original Software obtained or purchased through Company distributors (e.g. This Upgrade License Agreement (the “Upgrade Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity), the licensee, and Famatech International Corp. BY CONTINUING ACTIVATION YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. AT THE END, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT AND CONTINUE WITH ACTIVATION OF THE LICENSE KEY, IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, TO DECLINE THIS AGREEMENT, IN WHICH CASE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE, INSTALL OR OPERATE THE PRODUCT, AS DEFINED BELOW.